Advertisements and Procedures with the General Directorate of Public Health.

Advertisements and Procedures with the General Directorate of Public Health.

According to Article 38 of Executive Decree No. 230 of May 6, 2008, which regulates Law No. 13 of January 24, 2008, "Adopting Measures for the Control of Tobacco and Its Harmful Effects on Health," any advertisement, promotion, or propaganda intended to promote alcoholic beverages and other legal drugs, medicines, food or dietary supplements, cosmetics, substances, procedures, or other forms or methods attributed with preventive and/or curative properties must be submitted for consideration to the General Directorate of Public Health. The Advertising and Propaganda Commission will be the advisory body of the General Directorate of Public Health.

In accordance with Resolution No. 0523 of February 21, 2019, which approves the Internal Regulations of the Advertising and Propaganda Commission and the procedure for its proper approval, certain requirements must be met to obtain the resolution from the Commission, proving that the advertising complies with the regulations.

It is necessary for any legal or natural person promoting these types of products to proceed with this application since non-compliance can result in sanctions according to current regulations.

If you would like additional information regarding the costs and requirements for obtaining the advertising permit from the Ministry of Health, please provide your contact information.

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